1cy Yellow-legged Gull/1kj Geelpootmeeuw

Yellow-legged Gull - Geelpootmeeuw - Larus michahellis

Yellow-legged Gull - Geelpootmeeuw - Larus michahellis

1-2: © Ruud Altenburg, 02-08-03. Hoekenes/Plesmanlaan, Amsterdam. Slender 1cy Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis). The build, slim bill, dark greater coverts and tertial pattern resemble Lesser Black-backed Gull. Although characters such as tail bar and wing panel are not visible, the wear in the scapulars by early July give away its identity, as do the typical eye-patch, dark breast band and dark brown (rather than blackish) primaries. Ranke 1kj Geelpootmeeuw (Larus michahellis). De bouw, fijne snavel, donkere grote vleugeldekveren en het tertialpatroon doen denken aan Kleine Mantelmeeuw. De slijtage in de schouderveren, typische oogvlek, donkere borstband en donkerbruine (ipv zwarte) handpennen wijzen duidelijk op michahellis.